Hannah Wellson
Experience: 7 Years
Length of Work: Since 2013

Qualified professional massage therapists

I have been on the consulting opening team of ten successful restaurants and three hotels.
I have also previously shadowed some of the best designers prior to opening. I know what happens behind the scenes for each vendor and have a knack for making each event as cohesive as possible.

I am also very athletic and prefer being outdoors and, if time allows, doing yoga every day. I am happiest in the sun, at the beach or on a mountain, with a perfect kale salad, rare streak and crispy salty shoestring fries.

Diplomas & Certificates

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178 West 27th Street, Suite 527
Nueva York NY 10012

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Masaje bienestar
Masaje anticelulítico
Masaje relajante
Envoltura de aceite
Envoltura de algas
Envoltura de té verde
Envoltura de uva
Desintoxicación en el spa
Spa para la pareja
Cuidado de la cara
Cuidado del cuerpo
Exfoliación facial por ultrasonidos
Limpieza mecánica
Exfoliación facial al vacío
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